Dear Sunset Neighbors,
Local television station KTSF ran a story this weekend about the dangerous toxics surrounding 2550 Irving at 26th Avenue. (See the video below and the attached transcript).
Many of us are breathing toxic vapors that have entered our homes, and nobody has taken action to remove the chemicals. Please read one neighbor's essay on his experience with the toxic vapor.
MSNA appreciates your support and we ask that you reach out to our representatives to ensure that the residents of the Central Sunset do not suffer from ill-health related to prolonged exposure to toxic contaminants. Please request that an environmental review be conducted to ensure that the contaminants are identified and remediated.
Thank you.
Flo Kimmerling
MSNA President
KTSF26 on Toxics around 2550 Irving 1/21/2022 - See Transcript below
Please write a letter to demand clean-up of the toxic chemical vapor and address your letters to: Supervisor Gordon Mar City Hall 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244 San Francisco, Ca 94102-4689 (415) 554-7460 - voice (415) 554-7432 - fax DTSC (Department of Toxic Substances Control) Arthur Machado and Julie Pettijohn DTSC (415) 723-0792 Sample Email Subject: Demand full remediation of the 26th Ave & Irving PCE contamination Sample email content: Dear Supervisor Mar, I live near the area of the recently discovered PCE contamination at 26th Ave & Irving, and I want to voice my deep concerns over this situation. I urge you to please support and demand a full environmental review of this contamination as well as a full remediation. As our elected representative, please do the right thing to ensure that the residents of the Central Sunset do not suffer from ill-health related to prolonged exposure to toxic contaminants. …