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In order for us to continue to push for a proper resolution to the PCE vapor contamination issue on the 26th/27th Aves block of Irving Street, we are asking you to please sign two petitions below so we can present them to appropriate decision makers. 


The 2550 Irving project will have long-term ramifications on the neighborhood and we would like all Sunset community members to participate in the neighborhood feedback process to ensure your voice is heard.
Email To: 
"Joel Engardio"<>
"Mayor London Breed" <>
Suggested Email Subject: Support a revised 5.5 story AH project at 2550 Irving Street

Suggested Email Text: Copy&paste into your email client, edit/add your own personal comments, sign your name.

Dear Supervisor Mar [Mayor Breed],
I live near the proposed 2550 Irving St Affordable Housing project, and want to voice my concerns.  Our city and the Sunset desperately need more Affordable Housing, but as proposed, 2550 Irving Street is not the solution.
  • TOO OUT OF SCALE - The 7 story building as proposed by the TNDC is too out of scale with the surrounding neighborhood. It will be at least 3 times that of the biggest building in the area built in the late 20s.

    Affordable housing is most successful when the scale and design blends in with the surrounding neighborhood.  Other proposed affordable housing units in the Sunset are all 4-5 stories high.

    Building 7 stories directly adjacent to the Sunset’s tiniest homes not only robs neighbors of their privacy and solar rights, it reinforces the socio-economic isolation of tenants.
    It should be right-sized to 5.5 stories.
  • TOO EXPENSIVE - This proposal comes with ~$1mil/unit price tag and is 60% over the average for new Affordable Housing in SF. Other proposals should be considered for this site including building a smaller building at 2550 Irving and spending the rest of the budget on rehabbing other buildings and building ADUs to ultimately house even more families in D4.
  • PARKING - Only 11% parking ratio is proposed. This means more parking difficulties for existing neighborhood residents and patrons of local businesses. This warrants an increase in parking ratio for the proposed building to at least 25%.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS - PCE vapors have been found underground at 2550 Irving St site as well as at the south side of Irving St.  Before adding more new residents, the toxic plume on both sides of the block needs to be remediated. A full environmental review of the project should be conducted.
  • CONSTRUCTION IMPACT - Single family homes that surround the site are standing on 100 year old foundations on top of the Sunset fine grain sand.  A report and a plan is needed to define the monitoring and mitigation process for any construction impact.
  • INFRASTRUCTURE - If the city wants to add 300+ people to this block, they need to study and plan to address any impact on traffic, transit, water/sewer and schools.
I support this project to be right-sized to 5.5 stories instead of 7 with additional investment in infrastructure, additional parking, construction impact mitigation, environmental review and cleanup and additional community engagement for the benefit of new as well as existing residents and businesses.
District 4 Resident, [YOUR NAME]
Anchor 1



I, along with the Mid-Sunset Neighborhood Association petition the City of San Francisco to:


1.  Remediate the soil gas contamination before allowing new construction on either side of Irving Street.

Consider soil vapor extraction and excavation. This will require an investigation that determines the precise locations of the sources of contamination. Remediation should address the entire soil gas plume.


2.  Require mitigation in all existing homes where at least one PCE sample exceeds residential indoor air screening level.  Mitigation should not be at the residents'/homeowners’ expense and is required only where the source of PCE is vapor intrusion.

Thank you for helping us make a difference!



I, along with the Mid-Sunset Neighborhood Association petition the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to:


1.  Delineate the Irving Street PCE plume. 

Conduct sampling to determine the full extent of the soil gas plume and indoor air contamination to their respective residential screening levels.


2.  Require mitigation in all existing homes where at least one PCE sample exceeds residential indoor air screening level.  Mitigation should not be at the residents'/homeowners’ expense and is required only where the source of PCE is vapor intrusion. 


3.  Remediate the soil gas contamination before allowing new construction on either side of Irving Street.

Consider soil vapor extraction and excavation. This will require an investigation that determines the precise locations of the sources of contamination. Remediation should address the entire soil gas plume.


4.  Require mitigation in new construction.

This should be required on both sides of Irving.  After construction, conduct confirmatory sampling and notify all future residents of the buildings’ and neighborhood’s environmental history.


Thank you for helping us make a difference!

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