This is just like other affordable housing projects in SF. There are other buildings of this scale in the neighborhood.
TNDC has built other projects like this one.

This proposed building is dramatically different from TNDC’s previous housing projects:
• It is 7 stories, will house 300+ people, with only 11 parking spaces • It will be 4 times the size of the biggest building in the neighborhood.
• It is the largest building in the middle of a 1 and 2‐family zoned neighborhood
• Income level mixture deviates from best practices of mixed income levels to optimize integration and long term economic sustainability: due to extreme low income criteria, majority of units exclude public workers (e.g. Teachers, Nurses, Firemen, etc.).
• TNDC has no experience building projects of this size in a predominately residential neighborhood like ours.

This Low Income Housing Project is being built for local families and essential workers.

The “family housing” designation is misleading. The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) definition of families is ANY group of persons residing together and does NOT require children.
Family selection is not enforceable, and could include multiple single and unrelated adults
There will be no specific screening to prioritize essential workers
Maximum 40% of units will be reserved for Sunset residents

Property values will not go down with the development of this affordable housing project.

Research shows that Low Income Housing Projects cause a decline in property values if they are incompatible with the neighborhood in terms of size, scale, design and amenities.
Case studies show that successful affordable housing in CA are 2-4 story apartments/townhomes that are designed to fit within the existing homes in the community.

It is too late to modify the project and neighborhood residents have no say in what will be built.

With enough community pressure, the Tenderloin Neighborhood Developer Corporation has the ability to modify the height, number of units, parking spots and income mix of the project.
Yet, there are only a few short weeks left to request modifications, so please voice your opinion! You have a right to be represented, and time for modifications is running out.
We welcome affordable housing done right. We support a 4‐story building for low to moderate income households with parking spaces for 25% of the units and higher allocation to Sunset residents.
Write the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) - sfhousinginfo@sfgov.org, District 4 Supervisor Gordon Mar marstaff@sfgov.org, the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation - 2550IrvingInfo@gmail.com, SF Planning Department , Carly Grob - carly.grob@sfgov.org
Please also Join the Mid‐Sunset Neighborhood Association for updates & developments by emailing us at 2550irvingcommunity@gmail.com